New Delhi: A Delhi court on Friday adjourned a hearing on the bail plea of Shankar Mishra, who is accused of urinating on an elderly female co-passenger in a drunken state on a New York-Delhi Air India flight last November, until January 30. Additional Sessions Judge of the Patiala House Courts, Harjyot Singh Bhalla adjourned the matter after the woman's advocate Ankur Mahindro informed the court that he has not been handed a copy of the bail plea.
Representing the accused, senior advocate Ramesh Gupta said: "If the court is inclined to adjourn it then please grant me interim bail. This is not fair. It can't be a reason that the investigating officer is not here."He further asked the court to list the matter later at 2 p.m. The court, however, adjourned it. Currently, in judicial custody, Mishra moved the court on Wednesday seeking bail against Metropolitan Magistrate Komal Garg's order, who had earlier rejected his plea, saying that the alleged act of accused of relieving himself upon the complainant is "utterly disgusting and repulsive" and the act itself is sufficient to outrage the modesty of a woman.
On January 21, Mishra's judicial custody was extended by 14 days. In a recent development, Air India said that the crew made a judgment call to record the matter as a non-reportable in-flight incident for many reasons. The airline said that the alleged perpetrator was calm, co-operative and professed ignorance of the allegation (of urinating on a co-passenger). He posed no risk to flight safety in the judgment of the crew, said the airline.