New Delhi: Air India has directed its crew laying at all domestic and international stations to remain isolated in their allocated rooms for the complete duration of stay in view of the new strain of coronavirus.
According to a circular addressed to all pilots and cabin crew, the airline said that keeping in view the gravity of the situation, crew laying over at all domestic/international stations are directed to remain isolated and the directive is for the strictest compliance.
"As Britain battles a resurgence of the COVID-19 virus, there is disturbing news of the new mutated strain being up to 70 percent more contagious, as per some sources. South-East England and the city of London have been put under a strict 'stay-at-home' order as the virus spread has been termed to be 'out of control' and the situation declared to be 'alarming'," the circular read.
Just minutes after the Civil aviation ministry banned all flights arriving from the United Kingdom from December 22, the ministry has issued a circular stating that all passengers arriving from the UK on Monday and Tuesday will have to undergo mandatory RT-PCR test at airports in India.