New Delhi:AIIMS-New Delhi has launched a 'Safe Balcony, Safe Child' campaign to spread awareness about children less than 12 years of age getting hurt falling from height. In India, one person dies from head injury every three minutes and 30 per cent of those head injuries are noted in children, Professor of Neurosurgery at AIIMS, Dr Deepak Gupta said.
Of all head injuries seen in children, over 60 per cent result due to fall from height, Dr Gupta told PTI. According to an epidemiological study conducted among children less than 16 years of age at AIIMS, a total of 1,000 children with head injuries were admitted at AIIMS trauma centre over a period of four years, Dr Shefali Gulati, Professor of Paediatric Neurology said.
"Boys were two times more affected with head injuries than girls and over 60 per cent of them were due to fall from height/balcony," Dr Gulati said. Most children came from low socio-economic status where one of the parents was away at work and the other parent was elsewhere during the accident.
The study was authored by Dr Gupta and Dr Gulati. Fall from height is the biggest killer amongst children in India. Dr Gupta advised that balcony railing height should be made "twice the height of children in the family." "Children often end up climbing the railing of the house in the balcony unprotected and fall over many such children die or sustain severe head injuries. Such deaths and injuries are completely preventable," he told PTI.