Hyderabad: In a setback to the Congress in Telangana, AICC spokesperson Sravan Dasoju on Friday announced his decision to quit the party finding fault with state Congress president and MP A Revanth Reddy's style of functioning. He alleged that Reddy is functioning without following Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's principle of social justice and also the ideals for which party chief Sonia Gandhi granted statehood to Telangana.
Sravan Dasoju, a leader from the backward classes, also alleged that AICC in-charge of party affairs in Telangana Manickam Tagore too did not correct Reddy when the latter spoke as if his own community should be powerful, while backward classes, SCs, STs would remain ignored. Leaders from other castes also did not approve of Reddy's comments about caste chauvinism, he said.