Aligarh:Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi, during an inspection here, lashed out at Aligarh BJP MLA Anil Parashar for arriving late at the inspection. A video of Shahi scolding Parashar and saying, "Public representatives like you keep sleeping and the officials keep carrying out 'Haramkhori' (mischief)," has made rounds on the internet.
Agriculture Minister Shahi slams BJP MLA for arriving late, says "MLA's negligence promotes 'Haramkhori'
A video of the Agriculture Minister scolding BJP MLA and saying, "Public representatives like you keep sleeping and the officials keep carrying out 'Haramkhori' (mischief)," has made rounds on the internet.
In the viral video, Aligarh MP Satish Gautam is seen proposing an idea to modify Aligarh's Achal Tal, Shahi ignores him and slams Parashar by saying, "You sleep till late, this is a very bad habit." Gautam is seen interrupting and trying to draw Shahi's attention to Achal Tal but Shahi continues speaking, " The negligence of public representatives gives courage to the officials to do 'Haramkhori'.
"The public representative is not aware and the officials keep on misusing the resources," Shahi said before drifting his attention to Achal Tal's development. ETV Bharat does not guarantee the authenticity of the video.