Agra (Uttar Pradesh):A curious incident has come to light at a village in the Agra district of Uttar Pradesh. A poisonous snake has bit a 20-year-old youth named Rajat Chahar five times during the past 10 days. Luckily, Rajat has been escaping unharmed. Now, Rajat's family has been worrying that the snake will target other members.
Frequent snakebite has become a matter of curiosity among people at Mankeda village under Malpura police station limits in the Agra district of UP. Victim Rajat Chahar, a 20-year-old youth, has been a student of graduation. People have been thronging his house to see him. Rajat has not been facing any medical condition due to recurrent snakebites. But Rajat's father Ram Kumar Chahar said that this was also strange that the snake has repeatedly been biting Rajat in his left leg.