Agra:A 30-year-old woman died after she was allegedly thrown off the fourth-floor balcony of her house by her husband and four other people, police here said on Saturday. Ritika Singh, the deceased, was living in a house in the Tajganj Police Station area with a friend she had allegedly met on Facebook, after having separated from her husband, they said.
Police have arrested three people, including the woman's husband, Akash Gautam, and booked them under Sections 302 (murder) and 34 (act done by several persons with common intention) of the Indian Penal Code, they said. "Preliminary investigations have revealed that a married woman identified as Ritika Singh was residing with her Facebook friend Vipul Agrawal in an apartment in Nagla Mewati under Tajganj Police Station limits.
"The incident took place on Friday at about 11 am, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Agra, Sudhir Kumar Singh, said. Ritika was a resident of Ghaziabad and had married Akash Gautam, a resident of Firozabad, in 2014 and had separated from in 2018, he said. "On Friday, Akash Gautam the husband of Ritika Singh reached the apartment along with two women and two men".