New Delhi: The Union Cabinet on Tuesday unveiled the Agnipath scheme, a transformative move to modernize the country’s armed forces, create opportunities for the youth to serve the nation, and via soldiering, create a large pool of skilled youth who can contribute to India’s overall defense preparedness, as well with their skills and experience create opportunities for themselves and contribute to the growth of the economy.
Skill India and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) said on Thursday that they are proud to be associated with the Agnipath scheme and will work closely with the Armed Forces in the implementation of the program as the country prepares a future-ready army of young Indians. Skill India and MSDE will work collaboratively with various wings of the Armed Forces to train the students in additional skills to make them better suited to these job roles.
Besides, all Agniveers will get Skill India certification while in service, which will enable them to pursue many diverse opportunities in entrepreneurship and job roles that are being created in our economy after completion of their tenure. All organizations of Skill India — Directorate General of Training (DGT), National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), various Sector Skill Councils, entrepreneurship institutes NIESBUD and IIE, as well as skills regulator NCVET, will be connected with this exercise to ensure that Agniveers get the required skill certifications related to their job roles while in service. Some skills learned on the job may have direct equivalence with the NSQF syllabus.