Agartala: The much waited Agartala-Akhaura railway connectivity project will be completed by the end of September 2022. Speaking to ETV Bharat on Friday, North East Frontier Railway Divisional Railway Manager, J.S. Lakra said that the work is going in the right way and will be completed by September next.
Lakra is in Tripura for a two-day visit. He visited Nischintapur railway yard in Agartala and will visit Sabroom in the South district on Saturday. After visiting the Nischintapur railway yard, Lakra said, "Today, I've visited the Nischintapur area and am happy that the work is going on in the right way. The whole work is likely to be completed by September next year."
He said that Nischintapur is a transshipment area and a crucial place that can definitely boost up the trade between India and Bangladesh. He also said that it will help to augment the economic activities of the area particularly the local people of Tripura.