Idukki (Kerala): Amid heavy rainfall, about 30 families were evacuated to a safe zone from Anthoniyar Colony in Munnar after receiving a siren from the Disaster Warning System. As heavy rain is predicted till Monday in various parts of the state, Munnar has recorded the highest rainfall till now. The families were shifted from the Anthoniyar colony located in an area prone to landslides. The local authorities said, "30 families were shifted on Saturday evening and others will be shifted on Sunday."
"After the information was reported to the State Disaster Management Authority, the government led evacuation measures were expedited. The families were shifted to Mount Carmel Auditorium," said Munnar Village officer KV Jhonson. The siren went off on Saturday, the same day when years back on July 24, 2005, six residents of Anthoniyar Colony were killed when a landslide hit their house. The Early Disaster Warning System was set up by the Amrita Institute after the 2005 disaster.
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