Haridwar: Days after drawing flak over 'ripped jeans' remarks, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat on Wednesday once again stirred another controversy. Rawat said that the Maha Kumbh Mela is organised in Banaras while inaugurating programmes related to the Maha Kumbh Mela in Haridwar.
In a goof-up during his speech at the programme, Rawat said "Kumbh Mela is organised after every 12 years. It is not organised every year. Melas can be organised in different parts of the country. It is also organised in Banaras."
It is pertinent to note that Kumbh Mela, a famous pilgrimage, is organised at four river-bank pilgrimage sites which include Allahabad, Haridwar, Nashik and Ujjain.
For Hindus, Kumbh Mela is a major pilgrimage. The mela is celebrated in a cycle of 12 years at four river-bank pilgrimage locations -- the Allahabad (Ganges-Yamuna Sarasvati rivers confluence), Haridwar (Ganges), Nashik (Godavari) and Ujjain (Shipra).
However, the minister said that Kumbh Mela is organised in Banaras too.
The leader's remarks has once again become a subject of mockery for the opposition and netizens on social media.
However, this is not the first time that Rawat has given controversial statements. He had compared Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Lord Ram and Lord Krishna.