New Delhi:After blocking the official accounts of Rahul Gandhi and other senior party leaders, Twitter has now blocked the official handle of the Indian National Congress (INC) for violating rules of the microblogging site. Reacting to the development, Social Media Head of All India Congress Committee (AICC) Rohan Gupta said that nothing will deter the party from raising the voice of the people.
He alleged that Twitter while acting under the government's pressure, has blocked the accounts of more than 5,000 party leaders and workers across India. Raising questions on microblogging site's action, Gupta said, "Twitter has blocked its account for violation of rules Twitter acting under government pressure. Twitter is acting under the government's pressure. If it is a violation of Twitter policy, then why the photo of the (Victim's) family was there on the Scheduled Caste (SC) commission handle from August 2 to August 5."
"On August 4, Rahul Gandhi meets the family members of the victims and raises their voice, and Twitter immediately locks his account and deletes his tweet. These are the double standards. It is acting under pressure. This will clearly tell that rather than calling it a policy violation. If it is a policy violation, then the SC commission tweet should have been deleted. Why it was there up to August 5?" he asked.
Read:Locking account stifles freedom of expression, says Tharoor
He added, "Nothing will deter us from raising voices of these people. They have already locked more than 5,000 accounts of our leaders and other workers across India. But Twitter needs to understand they can work under pressure but we can't be pressurised into not raising the voice of people."
Earlier on Wednesday, Congress said that the microblogging platform has also locked the official handles of five more senior leaders. Congress secretary-communication Vineet Punia in a tweet said that Twitter handles of AICC general secretary and former union minister Ajay Maken, party general secretary Randeep Singh Surjewala, party MP Manickam Tagore, Mahila Congress president Sushmita Dev, Assam in-charge and former Union minister Jitendra Singh Alwar have been locked.