Vaishali:Rashtriya Janta Dal (RJD) supremo, Lalu Prasad Yadav, who was recently granted bail in a fodder scam case, is in trouble again. A Hajipur court has framed charges on Wednesday in a case related to “casteist remarks” allegedly made by him at a public gathering on September 27, 2015, in Rasiya Bihari of the Ganga Bridge police station area.
A video of the remarks had also surfaced after which Sadar Circle Inspector Niranjan Kumar had registered a case against Lalu on 29 September 2015 under relevant sections of law. Earlier, Lalu denied the allegations. However, Chief Judicial Magistrate Asmitra Raj framed charges against Lalu Yadav via video conferencing.
Advocate Shyam Babu Rai who is representing Lalu, said, "The case has been registered under Section 188 of IPC and Section 125 of Representation of People's Act. After hearing Lalu's side, the court has ordered a trial." Meanwhile, Rai also said that Lalu did not mean to hurt anyone.