New Delhi: External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar on Tuesday said that in the era of volatility and uncertainty, the world faces the challenge to address the dual requirements of responsible growth and de-risking the global economy. His remarks came during the first meeting of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) in Brussels, a significant milestone in the strategic partnership between India and the European Union.
"We are important partners for each other but what the TTC represents is a focus on key domains that are critical to both the global economy and global security", he said during the address. Explaining the challenge, he said that addressing dual requirements of responsible growth and de-risking global economy would mean promoting resilient and reliable supply chains and additional drivers of global production and growth, ensuring trust and transparency in the digital domain including cross-border flows and embracing low-carbon growth while ensuring that it does not create critical vulnerabilities.
India has experiences to share in terms of innovation, production, and deployment in each of the focus areas of the TTC strategic technologies, digital governance and connectivity, clean and green energy technologies, and resilient value chains, he said adding that India has experiences to share in terms of innovation, production and deployment. We are also an important factor in regard to the global talent pool that has been discussed this morning, he noted.
"Just concluded an extremely productive 1st India-EU Trade and Technology Council meeting. Thank European Commission VPs @vestager and @VDombrovskis for hosting the Indian Ministerial delegation. On strategic technologies, digital governance and connectivity; clean and green energy technologies; resilient value chains, our discussions were truly meaningful", Jaishankar tweeted after the meeting.