New Delhi:Markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in a status report informed the Supreme Court that out of its 24 investigations in the Adani-Hindenburg controversy, 22 are final in nature and two are interim.
SEBI said the interim investigation covered 13 overseas entities of Adani's companies and it has sought details from five countries on FPIs and said, "as many of the entities linked to these foreign investors are located in tax haven jurisdictions, establishing the economic interest of shareholders of the 12 FPIs remains a challenge ".
The report said: “It is submitted that out of the said 24 investigations, 22 are final in nature and 2 are interim in nature. As of date, the said 22 final investigation reports and 1 interim investigation report are approved by the competent authority in accordance with SEBI's extant practice and procedures”.
The report said: “In the remaining one matter, interim findings are approved by the competent authority. It is further submitted with respect to the interim investigation reports that SEBI has sought information from external agencies/entities and upon receipt of such information will evaluate the same vis-a-vis the interim investigation report to determine further course of action, if any, in the said matters”.
The report said 13 investigations are related to Related Party Transactions (RPT)- failure to disclose transactions with related parties and other relevant information. Two investigations are related to the manipulation of stock prices in contravention of existing laws.
The interim report said “Investigation covered 13 overseas entities (12 FPIs and 1 Foreign Entity), who were classified as public shareholders of the Adani Group Companies”. “ As many of the entities linked to these foreign investors are located in tax haven jurisdictions, establishing the economic interest shareholders of the 12 FPIs remains a challenge. However, efforts are still being made to gather details from five foreign jurisdictions pertaining to the economic interest shareholders of the FPIs to help SEBI update this report accordingly”, said the report.
Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPIs) are a component of the non-promoters/public shareholders' grouping in listed companies. The report said the scope of investigation also includes “analysis of the trading of FPI/ Foreign Entities named in the Hindenburg Report in the Adani group scrips on the allegation of manipulative wash trades or other forms of manipulative trades by the FPIs/foreign entities mentioned in the Hindenburg Report”.