Mohali:Upasana Singh, a face familiar to many as “Bua” of Kapil Sharma’s comedy show, has filed a case against Miss Universe Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu for allegedly “breach of contract” in the District Court of Chandigarh. Advocate Karan Sachdeva and Irvan Neet Kaur filling the suit mentioned that their client signed a contract in the year 2020, with Sandhu after she won Femina Miss India.
Sandhu entered into an agreement with Santosh Entertainment Studio LLP being run by her to produce a Punjabi feature film ‘Bai Ji Kuttange’. She signed Sandhu as the lead artist. Through this agreement, it was specifically agreed between the parties that the artist would make herself available throughout the promotional activities of the film both by being present in person during the events as well as virtually.
However, Sandhu evaded all her professional and contractual commitments of being the female lead artist in the film by completely ignoring all the communications made to her by the production house as well as all other concerned stakeholders by being absent from all the promotional events and distancing herself from the cast and crew.