New Delhi: Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez was on Wednesday questioned by the Delhi Police's Economic Offences Wing for over eight hours in connection with an extortion case linked to alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, officials said. Actor Nora Fatehi and Pinky Irani, who allegedly introduced Fernandez to Chandrashekhar, have been summoned for questioning on Thursday, they said.
Fernandez, a Sri Lankan, joined the probe after being issued a third summons. Irani had accompanied her, they said. Special Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ravindra Yadav said Fernandez was grilled about her alleged role in the multi-crore money laundering case linked to Chandrashekhar and about the gifts she took from him among other issues.
Fernandez and Irani were confronted together, Yadav said. The actor cooperated during the questioning and later had lunch, he added. The 'Housefull 3' actor had been asked to join the probe on Monday but cited prior commitments and sought another date. She will be called again for questioning but the date has not been fixed yet, the senior police officer said.