New Delhi: By adding 4,624 fresh coronavirus infections, India's overall active case load increased to 49,622, which is likely to breach 50,000 mark as per the increasing trend, the statistics updated by the Union Health Ministry showed on Friday. The death toll climbed to 5,31,064 with 29 deaths, of which 9 were due to reconciliation of the data as per the iCMR guidelines. Delhi recorded 1,527 new infections, according to the Delhi Health department bulletin.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) data updated at 8 am stated that three deaths each were reported from Delhi and Rajasthan; two each were from Chhattisgarh and Punjab; one each from Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Odisha, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Nine deaths were reconciled by Kerala which also recorded a new death.
The daily positivity rate was recorded at 5.01 per cent while the weekly positivity rate at 4.29 per cent. The Covid case tally stood at 4.47 crore (4,47,97,269). The active cases now comprise 0.11 per cent of the total infections and the national COVID-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 98.70 per cent, the statistics showed.
The number of people who have cured from the infection surged to 4,42,16,586 and the case fatality rate with 6,456 more reporting as having cured and the recuperation rate was at 1.19 per cent. According to the MoHFW data, 220.66 crore doses of Covid vaccine have been administered in the country so far under the nationwide vaccination drive.