Chennai(Tamil Nadu): Hitting another spike in the number of daily infections, Tamil Nadu on Wednesday added 476 Coronavirus cases including five returnees from domestic and overseas, pushing the tally to 34,58,445 to date, the health department said. After more than two months, an 18-year-old woman succumbed to the virus in Thanjavur becoming the latest casualty mounting the death toll to 38,026. The last death due to COVID-19 in Tamil Nadu was reported on March 17.
According to a medical bulletin, the teenager affected with COVID-19 was admitted to the Thanjavur Medical College Hospital with complaints of fever and cough on June 14. She died on the same day and the cause of the death is being "ascertained", the bulletin said. As many as 169 people have recovered in the last 24 hours aggregating to 34,18,481 leaving 1,938 active infections, it said.