Panaji:In a fresh twist in BJP leader Sonali Phogat's murder case, accused Edwin Nunes' lawyer on Sunday claimed his client didn't own the Curlies restaurant in north Goa where Phogat and two of her male companions had partied hours before her death. Earlier in the day, Nunes and drug peddlers Dattaprasad Gaonkar and Ramakant Mandrekar were produced before a court in Panaji which sent them to police custody for five days.
Advocate Kamalakant Poulekar, representing Nunes, told the court that his client doesn't own Curlies restaurant located on the Anjuna beach and it is for the prosecution to find and prove who owns the place. He said there are no documents establishing that Nunes has the ownership rights of the restaurant. The lawyer told reporters that the court rejected Nunes' bail application after the prosecution argued that since he was booked under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, the matter should be dealt with by the relevant court.