Srinagar: A soldier was killed in an accidental grenade blast on Friday in Jammu and Kashmir's Kupwara district. Police sources said that the grenade exploded accidentally when signalman Bharat Yaduwanshi was on duty at the Gonipora Gugtiyal Camp in Kupwara.
Accidental grenade blast kills soldier in J&K's Kupwara
An accidental grenade blasted in Jammu & Kashmir's Kupwara district kills a soldier.
Accidental grenade blast kills soldier in J&K's Kupwara
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The injured soldier was rushed to 428 Field Hospital Zangli, Kupwara, where he succumbed to his injuries. "The body was handed over to the concerned unit after the completion of medico-legal formalities initiated by police under section 174 CrPc", sources said. (IANS)
Accidental grenade blast