Alwar: In a horrific accident,two trucks collided head-on on the under-construction Delhi Mumbai Expressway near Maujpur village under Laxmangarh police station in Alwar on Wednesday morning. There were three people in the first truck who died on the spot while four people in the second truck were seriously injured. The injured have been admitted to the government hospital in Laxmangarh. The families of the deceased have been informed about the accident. All the dead and injured are residents of Uttar Pradesh, said police.
Laxmangarh SHO Ajit Singh said that an empty truck with three people was coming from Azadpur Mandi, boarded the Delhi- Mumbai Expressway while a loaded truck from the opposite side was coming from Mahua with four people. The SHO added that the speeding trucks collided head-on and three people sitting in the truck coming from Delhi died on the spot including the driver and one of his companions sitting in the front cabin and a person who was sitting in the back of the truck.