Chennai: A 28-year-old newly married man P Shyam was charred to death on Sunday in an AC explosion accident. Shyam was sleeping on the ground floor of his residence at Manavalan Street, Perambur, while his father and brother were on the upper floor when the AC exploded. Shyam's father, Prabhakaran, came down running after he heard the explosion around 8 pm only to witness that the entire floor was engulfed in smoke.
The door to Shyam's room was locked from the inside. After several attempts, they unlocked the door only to find Shyam dead on the bed. The family informed the local police station and firefighters from Madhavaram and Sembium stations were called to extinguish the fire. An official from Thiru Vi Ka Nagar police station said, "We think that the explosion could have resulted from a short circuit but we are conducting further investigations in the matter to confirm the cause." The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) and the forensic teams arrived and took samples for further examination.