Bengaluru: Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) activists were baton-charged and driven away when they barged into the residence of Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra here on Saturday seeking "justice" for a BJP youth wing leader, who was murdered in Dakshina Kannada district. The members of the BJP's student wing holding their organisation's saffron flag stormed into the compound of Jnanendra's bungalow at Jayamahal here and raised 'We want justice' slogan.
They also sought a ban on Popular Front of India and its allied outfits, which they alleged were behind the killing of Hindutva activists and their growing influence in the state especially in the coastal districts bordering Kerala. The police sought to persuade them to go away but they remained adamant and staged a sit-in demonstration inside the compound raising slogans. Later, the activists tried to storm Jnanendra's house.
Finally, the policemen dragged them out of the bungalow. A few of them were baton-charged as they resisted the police bid. Later, the activists were driven away from the spot in government vehicles and taken to the JC Nagar police station where cases were registered against 30 of them. Reacting to the incident, Home Minister Araga Jnanendra said he learnt that some youth calling themselves ABVP activists came to his house and staged a demonstration when he was away in Shivamogga.