New Delhi: Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Anurag Thakur on Sunday said that abusive language and uncivilized behaviour on OTT (Over The Top) platforms in the name of creativity cannot be tolerated. Anurag Thakur, in a video message on Twitter, said, "Abusive language and uncivilized behaviour in the name of creativity cannot be tolerated. The government is serious about the complaint of increasing obscene content on OTT."
"If there is a need to make any changes in the rules regarding this, will not back down in that direction either. Strict action will be taken to stop obscenity and abuse," the Union Minister added. Addressing the issue of rising complaints in regard to the OTT platforms, he said, "On level one, the producer is supposed to solve the complaints. Almost 90 per cent of complaints are cleared at stage one only. Next is the association level, where almost everything is cleared. "
"When the complaints finally reach the government, strict actions are taken. However, the complaints have only increased in the last few days," he added. Notably, the Delhi High court on March 7, upheld an order for registration of FIR against the TVF and its actor and also asked the government to take steps to check the language of the content of (Over The Top) OTT platforms.
However, the court clarified that the direction to register FIR in the present case does not include a direction to arrest any of the accused/petitioners. The high court also asked the government to take steps for enforcing the stricter application of its rules qua the intermediaries as notified in Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.