New Delhi: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Maharashtra are the top three States with maximum number of Ayushman Bharat Health Accounts (ABHA) numbers registered till date. As per the public dashboard launched by the National Health Authority (NHA) Andhra Pradesh has 286.1 lakh Ayushman Bharat Health accounts followed by Bihar's 147.7 lakh and Maharashtra's 143.2 lakh accounts. The dashboard, launched on Monday, will give a real time information on the Ayhsuman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) scheme.
As per the dashboard, the total number of ABHA (earlier known as health ID) created are 22.1 crore, over 16.6 thousand healthcare professionals have registered in the Healthcare Professional Registry (HPR) and more than 69.4 thousand health facilities have been registered under Health Facility Registry (HFR).
According to the dashboard Uttar Pradesh with 26,824 registered health facilities like hospitals, laboratories etc. followed by Andhra Pradesh with 13,373 such facilities and Maharashtra with the 10,977 registered health facilities leading the list of States with maximum HFR. Similarly, Andhra Pradesh with maximum 7,783 registered healthcare professionals like doctors, nurses is leading the list of States followed by Chandigarh 1,702 and Puduchrry 1,309 with maximum number of HPR.