Chandigarh: Aam Aadmi Party workers in Chandigarh on Tuesday staged protest against the recently announced hike in water tariff. In the first price hike since 2011, Chandigarh residents have to pay 1.5 to 2.5 times more for water from April 1. The rates vary from Rs 3 per kilolitre (kl) to Rs 20 per kl depending on the consumption.
Police placed barricades outside the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation office to stop the protesters, but when they tried to cross the barricades police used water cannons to disperse the crowd. The UT administration had on March 31 notified the revised water tariff, while reducing the rates under the first two domestic consumption slabs – 0-15 kl and 16-30 kl – as notified in September 2020 and later revoked.