Chandigarh:AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said his party's chief ministerial face for the Punjab Assembly polls will be announced next week. He also targeted the Charanjit Singh Channi-led government over the law and order situation in the state and said, Justice will be delivered in old sacrilege incidents and culprits will be given the strictest punishment".
Be it a matter of PM's security or common man's security, it shall be ensured, he told reporters after landing at the airport here. On the issue of polls, he said, The announcement of the CM (chief ministerial) face will be made next week". Last year, the Aam Aadmi Party national convenor had announced that the party's chief ministerial face for the 2022 Punjab assembly polls would be from the Sikh community.
Voting for the Punjab assembly polls will take place on February 14 while counting of votes will be held on March 10. The Delhi chief minister also slammed the Congress and the Badal family for allegedly looting the state for the past several years. A tie up of Congress and the Badal family has been going on for the last several years. Both the Congress and the Badal family have been looting Punjab. It will now come to an end. Punjab will witness prosperity and good time for Punjab is going to come, he further said.