Bengaluru: There is no room for people with criminal backgrounds in Aam Aadmi Party, said retired IPS officer B Bhaskar Rao and added that corruption and family politics are strictly not allowed in the party. Recently Bhaskar Rao joined Aam Aadmi Party after his retirement as a police officer. In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, he spoke about the upcoming Assembly polls in Karnataka.
He further stated that candidates will be fielded by the AAP in all the 224 Assembly constituencies in Karnataka while preference will be given to newcomers, young people and first-timers. Compared to Congress and the BJP, Aam Aadmi Party has a bright chance to win the polls as it is committed to the welfare of the people and is a party with a clean image.
Q) What are the prospects of AAP in the ensuing Karnataka Assembly polls?
There might be no elected representatives from the Aam Aadmi Party in the state, but there is no question to ignore it as well. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal is a good politician. There are no cases against him and seeing his administration in Delhi, the people in Punjab voted AAP to power serve them in Punjab as well," he reminded.
Q) What do you say on speculations over joining BJP and Congress?
"There was a talk that I will join the BJP or Congress. I have good friends in both parties. If I would have joined BJP I could have been a Rajya Sabha member or an MLC. But, I don't want to carry the baggage of both parties. BJP and Congress parties have no foresight. I have not come to find a political career. There must be a change in life, a challenge. Both of these parties are misleading young people. So, I thought I could join this party. There are challenges and difficulties ever since I joined. In this scenario, all parties were restricted to some ideologies. Neither of the national parties is talking about the future. So, I assumed I can fit in AAP," he clarified.
Q) Do you think APP is an alternative to Congress and BJP?
Exactly, AAP is an alternative to BJP and Congress. The party have already done well in Delhi and Punjab, In terms of strength in Karnataka, Aam Aadmi Party is good I am confident that the people, who are fed up with BJP and Congress will vote for AAP.
Q) Do you think people have high expectations of AAP?
People in the state have very high expectations of the Aam Admi Party as they have seen BJP and the Congress' administration. Karnataka is always politically active. Kannadigas are very clever. They will look at candidates and vote as the connection between the people and the government is shrinking day by day, he said.