Chandigarh: The Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab has attacked former Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh after a purported election affidavit revealed that he borrowed money from a liquor contractor to fight the polls. As per the affidavit filed by Amarinder Singh before the assembly elections, he has shown an expenditure of Rs 39.67 lakhs during the elections saying he had borrowed the money from a liquor contractor.
The affidavit has given ammunition to Amarinder's opponents to target him. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) spokesperson Ahibab Grewal has slammed the former CM for contesting elections by borrowing money from a liquor contractor. “It is clear from this evidence that the previous government used to get funding from them during the elections for the benefit of their loved ones and then when the government was formed they were favored,” Grewal said. He said the people have given the mandate to the Aam Aadmi Party because they were “fed up with the whims of the previous governments”.