New Delhi:In some dramatic episode Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh on Wednesday tore a defamation notice sent by Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena over the Khadi scam allegations imposed by AAP leader against him.
“A notice sent by a corrupt man cannot stop me. I will tear such notices 10 times. If you think you will indulge in corruption and loot and will hide your acts under the weight of legal notices, it will never be possible,” Singh said while tearing the defamation notice during the press conference.
AAP MP Sanjay Singh tears Delhi LG's defamation notice on camera Also read: Delhi LG sends legal notice to AAP leaders over 'derogatory' charges against him
“The Constitution of India gives me the right to speak the truth, As a member of the Rajya Sabha, I have the right to speak the truth," he added. Singh demanded a CBI or ED inquiry against VK Saxena to find out where the "looted money is kept".
Delhi's Lieutenant Governor on Monday sent a legal notice to AAP leaders, accusing them of levelling "false and derogatory" allegations against him, days after they claimed he was involved in a Rs 1,400-crore "scam" during his tenure as the KVIC chairman.