New Delhi:Aam Aadmi Party MLA Akhilesh Tripathi on Wednesday allegedly assaulted two men in the Ashok Vihar area of northwest Delhi after one of them complained about sewage problem, police said. On Wednesday around 4.30 pm, Ashok Vihar police station received information regarding a physical assault near Lal bagh, they said.
A police team rushed to the spot. During enquiry, it was revealed that Akhilesh Tripathi, AAP MLA from Model Town Constituency, assaulted Guddu Halwai and Mukesh Babu and they were shifted to BJRM hospital in Jahangirpuri, Deputy Commissioner of Police (northwest) Usha Rangnani said. Halwai's statement was recorded and he said that on Wednesday, he was present in a function alongside a railway line near Jailor Wala Bagh, Ashok Vihar, where he was providing catering services, the DCP said.