Chennai:A female Railway Security Force police officer, Wednesday, was stabbed in her chest and neck by an unidentified person with a small knife at Chennai Beach railway station. RPF constable Aasirwa (29) informed that a man boarded the female compartment of the train and on asking him to leave the compartment, the man, who seemed like 40 years old, attacked the RPF constable. The constable actively jumped off the slow-moving train to save herself.
Female RPF constable stabbed by an intruder in women coach in Chennai
CCTV footage has surfaced of the woman jumping from the train to escape from the attack from an unidentified man.
Egmore Railway Police on being informed about this rescued the injured lady guard and sent her to Perambur Railway Hospital for treatment. Following this, the police registered a case under 4 categories including improper obstruction, attempt to murder, preventing a government employee from working, and causing injury by using weapons, and the police are actively searching for the unidentified person. The Egmore Railway Police is looking for the person with the help of CCTV footage.