Korba (Chhattisgarh): In a widely shared video of the Excise Department employees taking bribes from villagers of the Korba district of Chhattisgarh surfaced on Wednesday. It is said that the video was shot at Jurali village. In the purported video, the Excise Department employees are seen arriving at a villager's house, transacting money on matters pertaining to the making and illegally selling of Mahua (liquor). According to the information received by the Excise Department on Tuesday that liquor is being sold illegally in Jurali village of Katghora. Instead of taking action, they took Rs 15,000 on the condition of not taking action. The Excise Department has been accused of extortion in the name of liquor many times in the past.
A video of Korba Excise Department personnel taking bribe from villagers goes viral
In the viral video Excise Department employees in Korba are taking bribes from villagers to give exemption for making and selling liquor. They are also seen stating that the money will be divided among the top-level to lower-level officials.
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In tribal districts, tribals in Korba are allowed to make and use alcohol for their own use. But, some people take the advantage of this exemption and start filling their pockets. While taking the money it is seen that the Excise Department employees are saying in the video that money has to be shared from the top to lower-level. After the video of the Excise Department taking bribes went viral, the officers posted at the headquarters have taken cognizance of the matter and asked for an investigation.