Gwalior: A case has been registered against a teacher under the Animal Cruelty Act for allegedly beating a neighbour's dog to death in the Gol Pahadia area of Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh. It is learnt that the teacher Matadeen Gurjar thrashed the dog to death with a stick after it defecated in front of his door. When the teacher was beating the dog, people tried to stop him, but he took out his licensed gun kept in the house and started threatening the people.
After the people left, the teacher started beating the dog again, due to which the died on the spot. Animal lovers later gheraoed the police station demanding action against the teacher. Janakganj police station in-charge Alok Parihar said that a case has been registered under the Animal Cruelty Act based on a complaint lodged by the Animal Society, and action will be taken against the accused.