Hyderabad (Telangana): A city-based software employee who searched online for a prostitute, fell into the trap of a cybercriminal who robbed him of Rs 1.97 lakh. According to Cyberabad Cybercrime police, the IT employee residing in Chandanagar, Hyderabad, searched online for a call girl (escort service) in the last week of December. A WhatsApp number was found on clicking a link on a website.
Hyderabad techie searching online for prostitute robbed of Rs 1.97 lakh
In the name of booking, security deposit and such services for arranging a prostitute, a cyber fraudster robbed an IT professional of Rs. 1.97 lakh. The techie finally complained to the Cyberabad police after realising that he was cheated.
A person who introduced himself as Patel Charmi sent pictures of some girls through WhatsApp. The techie paid Rs 510 for the booking. Then, the fraudster asked for Rs 5,500 for making arrangements, the IT employee paid this amount too. Again, Rs 7,800 was asked towards security deposit, which was also paid by the techie.
Like this, the cybercriminal made the software professional pay Rs 1.97 lakh. Finally, the victim came to know that he was cheated and filed a complaint with the Cyberabad Cybercrime Police.