Mumbai: Maharashtra's Politics is getting hotter day by day on various issues. Now a meeting between the leader of opposition Devendra Fadnavis and Higher education minister Uday Samant adds fuel to it. BJP leader Nilesh Rane claimed on Tuesday that Minister Uday Samant met Devendra Fadnavis secretly in Ratnagiri. Minister Samant, however, ruled out the claim that the meeting was a secret and said that he met Fadnavis accidentally at the district guest house.
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Uday Samant held a press conference and explained his story on the claim made by Nilesh Rane in front of the media. He said that he met Fadnavis at Ratnagiri Guest House accidentally when Fadnavis was on district tour for reviewing the situation of damage made by Cyclone Tauktae. There were many party workers at the guest house when they met, said Samant. Why did Nilesh Rane tweet about it after six days? he asked.