Bhojpur:Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had to face an embarrassing situation when his entourage entered Bhojpur village in the state. The aggrieved farmer kept on repeating that "Nahar Mein Pani Nahi Aa Raha Sir, Kucha kijiyeya Sir, Kutch Kijiye Sir (There is no water supply in the irrigation canal for the past several days. Please do something, sir). The completely dejected farmer was repeating this one line several times. Some of the officials came forward to pacify him, but he went on repeating those words.
Read: "You should ask them": Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on skipping KCR's mega BRS rally
''Sir! There is no water supply for the past 10 years in the canal in my village. Farmers are living in penury. Nothing was happening here in the name of development. Sir, you are the Chief Minister of Bihar, and one day you will become the Prime Minister," he was saying from behind the barricading. The Bihar CM was taken aback by the farmer's pleading.
The video of the incident has gone viral on social media. As long as the farmer was speaking, the CM was listening to his pleas with rapt attention. The farmer kept praying with folded hands. The officers were upset while facing this situation. They were asking the farmer to keep quiet. But CM Nitish Kumar kept listening to him carefully. Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar, along with other leaders and officials as part of the Samdhan Yatra visited the Bhojpur district on Thursday. The Chief Minister was interacting with people and listened to their problems during the 'Samadhan Yatra'.