New Delhi: Bank frauds involving a whopping Rs 33,959 crore took place in India in barely nine months. The data was shared by Finance Bhagwat Karad in Rajya Sabha on Tuesday who said that a total of 96 bank frauds, each of them Rs 100 crore or above, took place from April 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021.
According to the data provided by the Minister, among the scheduled commercial banks and select financial institutions, the highest amount involved was in the case of Punjab National Bank (Rs 4,820 crore), followed by Bank of India (Rs 3,925 crore) and State Bank of India (Rs 3,902 crore). While 10 such incidents of fraud took place in Punjab National Bank in the said period, 13 such bank frauds took place in Bank of India, and eight such incidents took place in the State Bank of India.