New Delhi: Around 92 per cent of deceased patients whose samples were tested in January were infected with the Omicron variant of Covid. Data shows that of the 310 samples of the deceased sent to the National Centre For Disease Control in January 2022 for Genome Sequencing test, Omicron variant was found in 92 per cent of cases.
As per the data by the Health Department in Delhi, more than 750 people died of Covid-19 in the national capital during the third wave of the pandemic in January. Data also suggested that the spike in Covid related deaths went up further due to the Omicron variant.
During the third wave of Covid, the Union government had sent at least 9,672 samples collected from different parts of the country for the Genome Sequencing test to National Centre For Disease Control (NCDC). Dr SK Singh, director of NCDC, said, "The BA One variant was found in the majority of the samples received for Genome Sequencing test from various states. It was the most powerful variant compared to BA Two and BA Three. BA Two and BA Three were weak variants of the Omicron."