New Delhi: An 87-year-old woman has been allegedly raped and assaulted in the Tilak Nagar area of New Delhi. According to police sources, the family members of the woman alleged that on Sunday a person who came to repair the gas connection could be the culprit. However, no one has been arrested so far.
They further revealed that the family members have claimed that at that time the elderly woman was alone in the house as her daughter and her children had gone to the nearby park and seeing the opportunity someone entered the house and raped her.
The family members alleged that even though the incident took place on Sunday afternoon, the medical examination of the elderly woman was yet to be done. They said that the woman was bedridden and it was not possible for her to go to a hospital for medical examination. When police arrived at their residence with an ambulance during the day to take her to a hospital, her family members refused to send, demanding that her medical examination be done at home.