New Delhi: As many as 8,278 Indian prisoners, including undertrials, are lodged in foreign prisons at present, with 156 of them serving life sentences, the government informed Lok Sabha on Friday. In response to a written question in Lok Sabha, Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan said that due to strong privacy laws prevailing in many countries, the local authorities do not share information on prisoners unless the person in concern consents to the disclosure of such information.
Even countries that share information do not generally provide detailed information about the foreigners imprisoned, he said. "As per the information available with the ministry, the number of Indian prisoners, including undertrials, in foreign jails at present, is 8,278, out of which 156 are serving life sentences," Muraleedharan said. The minister asserted that the government attaches the highest priority to the safety, security, and well-being of Indians in foreign countries, including those in prisons there.
Indian missions and posts abroad remain vigilant and closely monitor the incidents of Indian nationals being put in prisons for violation or alleged violation of local laws, he said. The issue of repatriation of Indian nationals lodged in foreign prisons is regularly pursued by Indian missions and posts abroad with the local authorities concerned, the minister said. The government also follows up on this issue during consular and other consultations with other countries, including in the context of bilateral agreements for the transfer of sentenced persons, wherever applicable, he added.