Shimla:Eight people were injured in a landslide in Himachal Pradesh's Kangra district on Tuesday morning, the state disaster management authority said. According to the Kangra district emergency operations centre, the landslide occurred at a construction site near a flour mill around 9 am, state disaster management director Sudesh Mokhta said.
8 injured in landslide in Himachal Pradesh's Kangra
A landslide occurred at a construction site near a flour mill around 9 am in Himachal Pradesh's Kangra district on Tuesday morning, the state disaster management authority said.
8 injured in landslide in Himachal Pradesh's Kangra
Also read:Landslides in ghat section snap link to coast
The injured have been identified as Sahdev (21) and his brother Vasudev (30), Rajeev Kumar (19), Gaurav (20), Dev Narayan (40), and Jagat (42) -- all from West Bengal -- Neetu (24) from Uttar Pradesh and Vinay Kumar (44) from Kangra district, he said. They have been admitted to Tanda Medical College, Mokhta added. (PTI)