Shimla: In a shocking incident seven tourist including three students from Varanasi died and 10 others were injured when a bus carrying passengers in fell into a gorge in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh on Sunday night. The injured were primarily rushed to Banjar hospital and then they were shifted to Kullu hospital.
According to available information the accident took place at 8:30 pm near Ghiyaghi in Banjar subdivision when a bus carrying 17 passengers lost control, skidded and fell into a gorge. Five tourists died on the spot while two others succumbed to injuries at the hospital.
"Six of the deceased have been identified as Saurabh, Priyanka Gupta, Kiran, a resident of Delhi, Rishab Raj, and Anshika Jain and Aditya from Uttar Pradesh," said Kullu superintendent of police Gurdev Sharma.
"The injured included Rahul Goswami, Kshitija Agarwal, Priyapal, Ishan Gupta from Haryana, driver Ajay Chauhan, Abhinav Singh, Nishtha Badoni from Uttar Pradesh, Rushav from New Delhi, Lakshaya from Rajasthan and Jai Aggarwal from Madhya Pradesh," police said.
A late-night search and rescue operation was carried out by the officials of the district administration and local residents. According to the police the rescue operation was delayed because of darkness. BJP MLA from Banjar Surender Shourie who was responsible for bringing the accident to the notice of the district administration, thanked the locals and administration for the prompt response.
The horrifying accident came to the fore when Shourie informed the locals about the accident through streaming a video on Facebook Live via his social media account on Monday at around 12.45 am. It was only through him the local people came to know that the accident that occurred near Ghiyaghi in the Banjar subdivision.