Belagavi (Karnataka):At least seven people died after a house collapsed at Badal-Ankalgi village in Karnataka’s Belagavi district on Wednesday following heavy rain. Around five of them died instantaneously while two others later succumbed to their injuries on the way to the hospital. Among those deceased were two girls aged 8, and six of them belonged to the same family.
The deceased have been identified as -Gangavva Bhimappa Khanagavi (50), Satyavva Arjun Khanagavi (45), Pooja Arjun Khanagavi (8), Savita Bhimappa Khanagavi (28), Laxmi Arjun Khanagavi (15), Arjun Hanamant Khanagavi (45) and Kashavva Vittal Koleppanavar (8).
On the other hand, father Bhimappa Khanagavi and son Devaraj Khanagavi escaped the incident as the former went to a shop to buy some things, while the latter went to Belagavi city for personal work.
The unfortunate incident took place as the village had been pounded by heavy rains for the past two days. As a result, a portion of the wall in the house that has been under repair had collapsed.