Gurugram (Haryana) : Seven employees of a Gurugram club, including a manager, were arrested for beating up a group of visitors after one of them accused a doorman of touching his female friend inappropriately, police said on Thursday. Ten people, two managers and eight bouncers of the Udyog Vihar-based club, were booked in connection with the incident that took place around 2 am on Monday, they said.
Seven of them, including six bouncers, were nabbed late Wednesday night, Police Commissioner Kala Ramachandran said. They were identified as Sonu, Mandeep, Sumit, Nitin, Ram Singh and Rakesh and club manager Lokesh.
One of those assaulted, a manager with a multinational technology company, filed a complaint stating that he had gone to the Casa Denza club with his three friends. He found some other friends at the gate of the club. He alleged that a bouncer misbehaved with his friend and touched her inappropriately while she was standing in the entry line. He said when she objected, other bouncers and managers gathered there and started abusing her.