New Delhi: A total of 60 woman candidates were commissioned as officers in the Indian Army last year, Minister of State (MoS), Defence Ajay Bhatt informed Rajya Sabha on Monday. Responding to questions raised by BJP MP Iranna Kadadi regarding the recruitment of female candidates in the armed forces, Bhatt also said that out of the 300 vacancies in Women Military Police, 100 have been filled so far.
He further stated while 100 vacancies in the Women Military Police were filled in 2019-20, recruitments were suspended in the following two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. "There are no recruitment camps and rallies conducted for officers’ recruitment. In 2021, a total of 60 women candidates were commissioned as officers in the Indian Army (IA)," stated Bhatt.
As for the Indian Navy, Bhatt said that the force has discontinued recruitment camps (rallies) since 2018 as it has fully shifted to online application-based recruitment examinations. Bhatt, in a written reply, further stated that 59 women candidates were inducted into the Indian Navy last year adding that 31 women candidates were recruited into the force in 2020. The MoS also presented the number of women recruited in the Navy in 2019 (51) and 2018 (29).