Bellary/Hubli(Karnataka):Six people were killed in two separate road accidents in Karnataka since Tuesday night. In one incident that happened on Wednesday morning near Kolagal in Karnataka's Bellary, three people died after an auto rickshaw carrying farm labourers overturned into a canal.
The deceased were identified as Durgamma, Ningamma and Pushpavati. Durgamma and Ningamma died on the spot and their dead bodies were fished out from the canal. Pushpavati died in the hospital.
According to sources, the auto-rickshaw was coming from Kolagal village to Krishnanagar when the driver lost control and the auto fell into the canal. The driver, Bhima and a boy Mahesh jumped out while the auto was rolling over into the canal. Sanna Dodappa, who heard the passengers screaming, rushed to rescue them and saved four workers who were drowning in the water. Soon, other locals rushed to the spot and started rescuing people.