New Delhi: The government is likely to hold the 5G spectrum auction in early June, Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said on Thursday. The minister said that the Department of Telecom is working as per the expected timeline and the process is on to resolve industry concerns around spectrum pricing. Asked about the schedule of the spectrum auction, Vaishaw said that it is expected to be in early June.
Setting the stage for the rollout of 5G services, telecom regulator Trai has mooted a mega auction plan valued at over Rs 7.5 lakh crore at the base price across multiple bands for radio waves allocated over 30 years. "We are very much as per our timeline to conduct the auction," Vaishnaw said. The minister said that the Digital Communications Commission will take a call on Trai's recommendations and approach them for clarification.
Read:TRAI recommends over 35% cut in prime 5G spectrum base price