Chandigarh:The High Court had sought information about the ongoing cases against the sitting and former MPs and MLAs of Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh in the Punjab Haryana High Court whose response was given by the Punjab government on Tuesday. According to the Punjab government, 53 cases are pending in the courts against public representatives, out of which investigation was going on in 29 cases, while untraced or cancellation reports have been filed in 14 of these cases.
53 cases filed against public representatives pending in Punjab Haryana High Court
The hearing is going on in the matter of early disposal of the cases registered against the public representatives in the Punjab Haryana High Court
During the hearing, when the reply was filed by the government, Justice AG Masih and Justice Sandeep Moudgil reprimanded the government saying that this report should have been filed two days before the hearing, while the government is presenting it today, after which the High Court adjourned the hearing till November 11 without giving any direction.